
Comments (4)

What do you think?

Lookin forward to it! :D

i cant wait for a release

Johnsen290 Games presents a Markiplier fangame, Markiplier Interactive!

(Due to school and stuff, I might continue the development of this in summer, not guaranteed to be finished, as I have another game to finish also, but I'll try my best, I apparently had a short break for a new school year so the game development will be very slow, sorry about that!)

Progress : (only A Heist with Markiplier has progress)

Interface : 40%

Saving : 15 %

Mechanics : 33 %

Graphics and Animation : 45%

Sound : 35 %

Portability : 16% (P.S. It will took a long long time to port to mobile if the game will have some errors compared to PC which is fine.)

Description :

  • This collection includes all of the Markiplier special videos and interactives!
    All of them in this game adaptation!

    Includes :

  • A Heist with Markiplier (high priority)

  • In Space with Markiplier (Part 2 releasing on May 2, 2022) (high priority)

  • A Date with Markiplier (high priority)

  • Who Killed Markiplier, DAMIEN and Wilford 'Motherloving' Warfstache (late DLC, low priority)

  • Warfstache Automated Interview Automaton (unchanged, later DLC, low priority)

  • Don't Open the Door (unchanged, later DLC, low priority)

    (Chica Simulator will not be included as it's a member-exclusive interactive, please join as a member to see it for yourself!)


  • The whole entire film remade into a game!

  • Pixelated platformer gameplay

  • A few mini-games

  • Choices (YOU get to decide what happens next)

  • QTEs and cutscenes

(.MFA file will be also published when the game is done, so that you can do whatever you want with it.)


Windows :

Resolution : Best played in 16 : 9 widescreen

Graphics : DirectX 9 - compatible

Storage : 2 GB+ (not final)

Memory : 512 MB RAM (not final)

Android :

Android 5.0+ / 512 MB RAM (not final)

Tags :

#platformer #fangame #adventure

#n #indie #2D #choose #your #own #adventure #adventure #fmv

#a #heist #with #markiplier #point #and #click #interactive #game #adaptation

Realistic Violence
Alcohol Reference
Comical Shenanigans
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